Scenario - Flank Attack
This article contains the rules to play a Flank Attack scenario in a game of Warhammer Fantasy 7th Edition. It is based on the Flank Attack scenario contained in the Warhammer Fantasy 6th Edition Rulebook, however we have adapted it somewhat. That scenario was plagued by the main problem that it was actually disadvantageous to commit troops to a flanking maneuver, which makes the whole thing rather pointless. We've tweaked it a bit to try to make it work.
This scenario was tested in the Skaven vs Orcs and Goblins battle report, The Furry and the Furious.
The attacking general has split his forces in an attempt to take his enemy in the flank. The gamble of dividing his strength will hopefully be compensated by the impact of his troops arriving from an unexpected quarter. Normally a trusted lieutenant will be assigned the duty of leading this other force, while the general holds the main body of the army together until their arrival.
This scenario is played with equal points values for the attacker and defender.
The players roll-off for table edges as normal. Once the winner has chosen a side, the attacking general must allocate somewhere between 25-50% of his army as a flanking force. This may not include any war machines or the army general, but is otherwise unrestricted. These units should be put aside. He must then select a table edge from which his flanking force will arrive. This must be one of the Short Table Edges, as shown in the diagram below. His choice should be written down secretly, and will not be revealed until the forces arrive.
The winner of the roll-off for table sides begins deploying first. Scouts may be placed hidden as per the normal rules.
Who Goes First
The players roll off to see who goes first. The player who finished deploying first gets a +1 modifier to his dice roll.
Game Length
The game goes for 6 turns.
This game uses all the normal rules for Victory Points, as described in the Rulebook.
Special Rules
Flanking Forces
The Attacker may choose the turn in which he starts rolling for the flanking force to arrive (see the table below for the required roll, depending on whether the flanking force is led by a character). The roll is made at the start of the turn. If successful, the entire flanking force must move onto the table that turn from the table edge chosen earlier, exactly as if they had pursued off the table. If there is insufficient room, the remaining forces will enter from the player’s own Long Table Edge instead. If the roll is failed, the player must roll at the start of each subsequent turn until the forces arrive. If the flanking force fails to arrive for the entire game, the Defender gains no Victory Points for them.
Flank Attack Scenario Table
Flank Attack Scenario Map