My new wyvern is up.

Wyvern Image 3Wyvern Image 3Wyvern Image 2Wyvern Image 2Wyvern Image 1: Only got a camera Phone, but here is my new wyvernWyvern Image 1: Only got a camera Phone, but here is my new wyvern


I have builded the Wyvern. Still soem engineering needed on the mounting, but it's all running. Very purple. Not quite as cool as giant squiggoth, but just as purple.

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pretty funky beasty drew. what model line is it from? reaper?


could be a little 'orcier' with a few glyphs and plates across the pot belly though

mmmm... wyvernescent!

mmmm... wyvernescent!

Fooled you

Haha- fooled you. 'Tis from no other line, it's a converted Dark Elf dragon. Just didn't give it arms.

Oh, the Anubis Statue was from another line- Whatever it is that milsims stock. They hav soem good egypty sorta stuff- looks very tobm kings. Not happy with the sixe of the Citadel bone giant? Their one is about twice as chunky for about $45. Bargain.


 Could have made it platier, but I like the nakedness of it.