Submitted by scatterlaser on Thu, 29/06/2006 - 22:43.
Word has it that we might be playing some Necromunda again soon (possibly starting this Saturday or the one after, not sure). Nothing's particularly concrete yet, but it'll probably be similar to last time as far as house rules and campaign style go. The details will (hopefully) be sorted out on Saturday.
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Necromunda rules
These are the house rules we've been using for Necromunda, updated for the new version of the rules. (They're mainly the same as before.) There are also some links to the online rulebooks and Q&As.
Useful Links
Notable Rules Changes
See the links above for full details.
House Rules
1-3: The enemy model furthest from its friends is attacked by a Giant Rat. The Rat counts as charging and fights until it or the ganger is out of action, then scuttles off (remove from play).
4-6: The enemy model furthest from its friends is attacked by a Plague Zombie. The Zombie counts as charging and fights until it or the ganger is out of action, then shambles off (remove from play).
Roll twice on the Treacherous Conditions table and apply both results.