Satus Bellum 2011
Satus Bellum this year will be run on Sunday 23rd October, 2011.
- Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition rules
- 1500pt armies
- Four games over one day
- $20 entry
The venue is also used for the Hampton Games Club and Axemaster
Hampton Community Center
14 Willis St. Hampton, VIC
(just across the car park from Hampton train station)
Timetable Sunday 23rd October
before 8:55
Game 1 9:00 - 11:00
Game 2 11:15 - 1:15
Lunch 1:15 - 1:45 (includes players’ choice painting)
Game 3 2:00 - 4:00
Game 4 4:15 - 6:15
Presentations ~6:30
Catering is not provided by the club but there are a number of food and take-away stores within walking distance.
There are also ATMs in the vicinity.
The Hampton train and bus station is located right next to the Community Centre.
Armies may be up to 1500 points from official Army Books/pdfs published before 23/9/11.
The GW VC additions, Dogs of War, as a standalone army, and Chaos Dwarf lists may be used.
Special Characters may not be used.
Army Submission
Army lists should be submitted to by midnight on Saturday 8/10/2011.
Army lists should be submitted in the body of the email using the following format:
Player Name - Army Book
1 line per unit
Written in order of General, Lords, Heroes, Core, Special, Rare
Line format = Total size of unit, if unit size is >1: Name of unit (total points for unit): magic level(lore), item or upgrade, item or upgrade, item or upgrade etc., ...
Army Total noted at the end
Sample formatted list:
Mark Skilton - Demons of Chaos
Herald of Slaanesh (170 pts): General, Level 1 (Slaanesh), Daemonic Robes, Torment Blade
Herald of Slaanesh (170 pts): Level 1 (Slaanesh), Siren Song, Torment Blade
25 Daemonettes of Slaanesh (355 pts): Musician, Standard Bearer, Alluress, Banner of Ecstasy
25 Daemonettes of Slaanesh (330 pts): Musician, Standard Bearer, Alluress
6 Seekers of Slaanesh (187 pts): Musician, Standard Bearer, Siren Standard
Fiend of Slaanesh (55 pts)
Fiend of Slaanesh (55 pts)
5 Flamers of Tzeentch (175 pts)
Total Cost: 1497
Games will be two hours in length with a break of 15 minutes between games and 30 minutes for lunch. The first round will be a random draw within comp bands (see below).
Open Lists will be used.
I hope players will play each game in good spirit. Any person deemed stalling for time to avoid a loss or cement a win, disrupting other games, or abusing others will be penalised heavily.
Games must be finished on or before the two hour deadline; warnings will be given before the end.
Rules Disputes
All rules disputes should be resolved by either:
Agreement between the players using the rulebook/FAQs
The TO, or another knowledgeable player, not playing in the game, pointing out the rule or providing clarification, or
A dice off to decide the outcome.
Just because you disagree on a rule does not mean your opponent is a bad sport. It is in the way he handles the dispute, and accepts if he is wrong, that you can see his sportsmanship.
Rule interpretations will generally follow the ETC Q&A or common sense, depending on which is more reasonable.
The TO's word is final, and arguing after a decision has been made may incur penalties.
Score sheets will be provided and must be filled out and returned after each battle.
The breakdown of scores will be:
Generalship/Battle = 4*20 (max 80)
Sportsmanship = 4*5 (max 20)
Painting = (max 20)
Composition = (max 20)
Battle points will be scored for each game, based on the Victory Points (VP) difference between the two players. All the normal bonuses for table quarters, captured standards as per the BRB, etc. apply.
Note: Contrary to what is included in the BRB, at the conclusion of all player turns, but prior to calculation of victory points, all fleeing units are allowed one chance to rally based on their current circumstances (e.g. within inspiring presence range or under 25% etc.). If the unit fails this rally attempt then it is counted as destroyed for VP purposes. If it rallies, then it does not count as destroyed.
VP difference | Battle Points |
Up to 50 | 10-10 |
50 - 200 | 11-9 |
200 - 400 | 12-8 |
400 - 600 | 13-7 |
600 - 800 | 14-6 |
800 - 1000 | 15-5 |
1000 - 1150 | 16-4 |
1150 - 1300 | 17-3 |
1300 - 1450 | 18-2 |
1450 - 1600 | 19-1 |
1600+ | 20-0 |
Fully painted armies, painted to an acceptable tournament standard including basing, banners and highlighting/shading/inking etc., will be awarded 20 points.
Partially painted armies will be awarded pro-rated points based completeness.
Armies can use unit fillers, but units must represent their unit description to the extent that no identification confusion will exist for the opponent during the game.
This means figures should be WYSIWYG as much as possible and correct basing must be used. Conversions and alternate manufacturer’s figures are permissible but unit proxies are not.
The tournament’s painting prize will be determined by player voting during the lunch break using the usual beauty pageant format.
At the end of each game, you award a sports mark based on the 5 questions are listed below.
Questions will be answered with a simple YES or NO.
1) My opponent remained friendly throughout the game.
2) My opponent had a clear army list and made sure I understood what everything did.
3) My opponent and I sorted out rules questions amicably.
4) My opponent played fast enough, but did not rush me.
5) My opponent's movement, line of sight decisions and dice rolls were all clear and were not rushed, obscured or otherwise dodgy.
After the last game of the tournament, players will be asked to nominate 2 opponents for the Best Sportsman award (ranked in descending order).
These marks will have no bearing on the overall winner, but will likely determine the best sports prize.
After all armies have been submitted, players will be allocated to a composition band.
This band will determine your composition score and the first round draw.
The band will be an assessment of army “toughness” based on:
specific units in the army,
combinations in the army, and
the army’s toys relative to its potential opponents
The following composition bands will be used
The Johnson Paradigm – Soft armies sacrificing power for theme or enjoyment – 20 points
The Moran Level – An average tournament army – 17 points
The Leopold Line – Hard, borderline, but not quite a resubmit – 13 points
The Resubmit Zone – Players whose armies have been asked to be resubmitted once – 10 points
The Black Hole – Players who have been asked to resubmit lists twice – 5 points
In the case of a resubmit, players will be asked to provide an alternative list within 48 hours notice.
I will not be providing guidance to players on what would fit into each band. Players should use their experience, seek guidance from their peers, or review results/guidance from similar recent tournaments, such as Convic.
The 6 basic scenarios in the Warhammer rulebook will be used at Satus Bellum 2011.
Scenarios will be table specific not round specific.
Each round, players allocated a particular table will play the scenario assigned to that table, or the battleline scenario.
The battleline scenario will be used in place of the assigned scenario if either of the players has played this scenario before in the tournament, or it is round 4.
The Blood and Glory and Watch Tower scenarios will provide +500pts to the player(s) completing the scenario objectives (i.e. breaking the opponent or controlling the watch tower) rather than being used to determine the winner.
All hills will be standard hills and considered open ground for the sake of movement. All forests and other labelled terrain features will follow the rules for Mysterious Terrain.
The prizes for Satus Bellum are:
- 1st Place Overall
- 2nd Place Overall
- 3rd Place Overall
- Best General
- Best Army (players' choice)
- Best Sportsman (players' choice)
- Wooden Spoon
- Worst Luck
Registration and Payment
Entry is $20. Online registration is available via PayPal - use the 'Buy Now' link below. When filling out the form, please include the race/army you're entering with (Empire, High Elves, Daemons, etc) and the name of the person entering (if different to the name on the credit card) in the comments section. If you are unable to pay using this method, please email to discuss alternate payment arrangements. The merchant email address on the Paypal payment pages will show up as - this is correct, so don't worry. (If you're paying for multiple people at once and there isn't room to provide details for all entrants, please send them to us by email.)