Southlands Lists

Hey all.
If anyone reads this in the next few days:
Someone asked me if Southlands lists will be allowed in Conquest. Having never seen them in play, could I see some opinions on their balance? Do they work more-or-less as well as SoC lists did? Should I allow them?

I'm tempted to say 'yes', as the stated rules really don't say otherwise and I don't want to contradict myself (and they do allow SoC lists that havn't been since out-dated), but if they're really broken, I'd prefer not to see them.


( categories: )

From my limited experience

From my limited experience with them, they should be ok. They tend to lean toward the 'cloud-of-Skink-skirmishers' style of army, since they're pretty much normal Lizardmen with less Saurus-y stuff and a few new Skink units (ranked Skinks and Skink cavalry, neither of which are amazing). They could get fairly nasty in 6th Ed with tons of Heavens mages and lots of Skinks that always moved 12", but now that skirmishers can be march-blocked, mages can't share power dice and Heavens got beaten with the nerf stick, they're probably fine. (Take with a grain of salt; I haven't played against them that often.)


Cheers pete. As yours was the only response, and because I did allow SoC (lustria being a similar publication), I'll allow them.

For what its worth,

For what its worth, Southlands wern't published in the Lustria book, its a second army list in the Lizardmen army book.

Either way, I'm happy with

Either way, I'm happy with him using the lustria book.
I won't be allowing BotB armies.