creating content

so who feels like telling me how to puc pictures into text ect, much like owens orc hut story

( categories: )

It's really very easy! When

It's really very easy!

When you type in your post, there is a tool bar across the bottom of the text entry window. You will notice that at the extreme right of the top row of buttons is a little camera icon. Click that, and it brings up the insert image window. You can either choose from content you have already posted, or you can browse for other images on your hard drive to upload. When you select an image, you can choose a whole lot of variables, like giving it a title and description. You can also choose what sort of thing happens when you click the image - it can have no effect, be a link to the picture, open the pic in a new window, or i think it can be a link to any URL. It's pretty easy to figure it all out when you're in there. Only took me about five minutes of fiddling to get all four images into my post.

So can you link pictures

So can you link pictures from image posting sites like photobucket(which is free btw)? Like most forums do? with the simple "[img]" tags?


You could link to external images before, but it was a bit fiddly... slight oversight there. I've set up the editor to make it easier. Click the 'image' button (looks like a small photo of a tree) and a popup window opens - put the URL of the image you want to link to in the 'Image URL' field, click 'ok' and it'll insert the image.

Ive been trying to fiddle

Ive been trying to fiddle around with creating content, was gonna make up a modelling diary of my feral orks, but i cant seem to get any other 'content options' that arent 'new thread'. Am i doing something wrong?

You need to go to the

You need to go to the 'create content' link on the main menu, not the forum link. You can create any sort of content via the 'create content' link, although we currently do not have image galleries set up to appear online (this means that if you just create an image, it will not show up, it has to be part of a story).

confused cant seem 2 work

Um well, i cant seem to figure out how 2 find the ulr of my pic i made for gc. If u have some simple advice on inserting the pic it would help! The thing is i want to know how 2 upload them!



ah-HAH its all working for

ah-HAH its all working for me now. Got the ferals up and running. cheers

hey ben, great work on the

hey ben, great work on the orks! definetly would love to see all your other stuff up on the site when we get our army profiles stuffup and running !! keep up the good work