HGC League (the cheap plastic cup)
Submitted by puddingwrestler on Fri, 26/05/2006 - 15:36.
Greetings gentle exponents of the art of hitting thigs very hard, and then running away!
I propse this: That we hold a club WFB league, and that the winner be presented with glittering prizes.Â
( categories: )
Contact ye engimatic Pudding Wrestler
Should have mentioned of course, that the enigmatifc and mighty Pudding Wresler (aka Owen) is the one who seems to be in charge here. Contac him for random enquiries.
This league in now way condones the killing of endangered species for sport. The Gorilla was dead when we found it. Honest.
Currently, the theory runs
Currently, the theory runs like this:
Anyone can enter, as long as they have a 2000 point Warhammer Army. This army may not include special characters, but apart from that only has to conform to the usual restrictions in the army books. We are not banning any armies. You're army does not have to be painted, finished or even in existance if you can find suitable proxies.
Every week, you will play one or two of the other league contestants (have not finalised the number of games yet). There is a table of victory points which will tell you how many league points you have won out of a possible 20. (eg: for a draw, both players get 10, for a Minor victory, the winner gets 15, and the loser 5, and for a massacre the winner gets 20, the loser 0 and so on).
The player with the most league points at the end of the league is declared the winner, and presented with a mighty trophy (The Cheap Plastic Cup), and as a sign of prestige, is allowed to wear the skin of an Albino shouting Gorilla on state occasions.
So whos up for it?
I'm interested, might try
I'm interested, might try and borrow some wood elves, if not ill probably just use the old high elves again. Hey Ben (Waargh), I think i remember you having some wood elf miniatures, you reckon i could borrow them?
hey so me and pete were
hey so me and pete were talking and thinking that if 12 ppl enter ( rough guess of numbers) it would take 3 to 5 months for evyerone to play eveyrone else... SO thinking a number of games ie 6 or 8 games, use the points garnerd from those games to have the highest ranked at that stage go into semi finals and finals, it would be pretty fun and not take for fucking ever
I'd say yes noakes, but i
I'd say yes nick, but i painted up that army and sold it for 40k money! :D
I dont play fantasy, but you could for this thing, go for a progessive sorta league. So basically 'yall fantasy players start off with your lord bash thing in the caves with your army's general, then play a 1000 pointer, and go up in points from there, all the way up to 4000 or whatever. I dunno, youd have to figure out a good staggering of points. But that could speed it up, and help people paint their armies, and make it much more interesting.
If theres enough interest id be happy to get a 40k cities of death version of this league :).
How would you handle
How would you handle absences? I'm not able to play some weeks, and I don't often see everyone turn up on any given club day, so would it be a better idea to have a more open league? Say, just play whoever you want as much as you want and tally win/draw/loss, as well as the points as you mentioned.
I'm up for it in any case, we'll see just how low I can come in the end -_-
well in ths system me and
well in ths system me and pete were thinking, youd have 6 ( or 8) games with oponents pre selected, youd then have (rough guess) 10 weeks? to knock all those games out.. in any order... so if u come in 1 week and 2 oponents are there, organise to play 2 games that week if you can, this way you could get them over with when u have a chance, and when u cant rock up u cant rock up but it wont fuck the whole system up
I've got the league system
I've got the league system Me and pete where talking about initially written up. Unfortunatly, it's on my laptop, and I havn't been bothered getting it onto the desktop yet. It works basically as Noakes has outlined, although it has the battles specified. ie: week one, Owen vs. Noakes, week two, Owen vs. Pete, week thee, Owen Vs. Drew etc. I think i will modify it to use Noakes's suggested system, it'll help work out absences much better.Â
There's also a victory point/league point system, you gain league points, and therefore standing on the league ladder depending on how much you win or lose by. I'll post the whole kit and caboodle up soon.