Large games, anyone?

Anyone up for a 4500 point game of fantasy in a couple of weeks? I was inspired by the 6500 point game yesterday, and with nothing to do daytime over the next two weeks, I want to see if I can get my army completely painted.

( categories: )


I'm the one with the yellow and black empire army.

i am an outside chance of

i am an outside chance of having a 4500 painted lizardmen force if i use everything i own, i will have to look into it, if some one else had painted lizardmen even 1000 pts worth i could definatly make it. 


well I'm at ConVic this

well I'm at ConVic this weekend so I certainly wont be using any of my stuff, so i can probably get someone to drop it by the club for you to use. I have a stegadon, 38 saurus, a scar vet/oldblood, 3 shamans and half a slann (yeah i know, it broke)


Freaking shweet.

Topic said two weeks away, but if we can do it this weekend that'd be cool. Just get someone to bring a camera. Imma paint halberdiers like a madman until then.

So are we on for this week Sam?

i got a list put togeather

i got a list put togeather 4506 or something, what i dont own but i would like to include is:

From Nick: Stegadon and scar vet.

Elsewhere:4 temple gard and a slamander.

 I should be able to dig them up or ask around for them odds are the only proxi i might need to use is the salamander. so might pick one up from GW and paint one up. spare time provided. elsewhise if some one can lend me 2 trannadons i could use them instead. 

Cool. Don't fret about the

Cool. Don't fret about the minis; I'll be using a wood elf scout as a mage, and a retardo cannon made from bitz with handgunners as crew. These things will hopefully blend into the mass of miniatures :P

hey, it might have to be

hey, it might have to be next weekend as i might be playing in convic this weekend, thats still unconfermed so if nick could still get his stuff dropped off at GC at this point, ect ill still be making sure everything is ready so if im not we have a go ahead. let me know if u have trouble with the helbideers i dont mind posponing it for a week or two i am rather flexable!

I wouldn't mind postponing

I wouldn't mind postponing until next weekend in that case

alright cool, give me a

alright cool, give me a chance to paint up this sallamander i got :P yay for finaly having 3!

Crap on a stick

Crap on a stick, I'm not going to be here on July 1st, so unless we can re-reschedule it to this weekend again we might have to push it back to July 8th, for which I should be around I hope :'(

Let me know if you don't end up going to conVic, because I'd still prefer to have it sooner rather than later. 

i will be going to convic

i will be going to convic but i might not be required to play, i will however only know this by lunchtime ish. so i can only give a goahead on saturday lunch time, so best to push it back a couple of weeks. i think. im still looking forward to this, also do you wish to exchange lists? 


Two weeks it is. I don't

Two weeks it is.

I don't particularly want to exchange lists, I have a couple of hidden magic items and such, but since I know you'll be taking a stegadon or two it's only fair that I let you know that I'll be taking both my steam tanks.

haha this sounds aweosme,

haha this sounds aweosme, ill have my camera there

jus tsaying if nick checks

jus tsaying if nick checks this to make sure he brings the don and his lord on foot, cheers see u all tomorrow


Another this saturday.

6000 point per side multi army game this week. PH34R the might of empire cheese at its worst.

I assume you are including

I assume you are including me in this. I'll bring my stuff but would like to have a game with a VC army i came up with. See if you get any takers anyway