Player profile
Gamer Profile - Ben
Submitted by waargh ben on Sun, 16/07/2006 - 11:55. True Name: Ben Johnson
aka: 'waargh' on forums
Games Created: GROT WARS
Games Played: warhammer 40k, gettin' into DnD
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Gamer Profile: The Pudding Wrestler
Submitted by puddingwrestler on Fri, 14/07/2006 - 17:13.The Pudding Wrestler!True Name: Owen P. Top
Aka: Pudding Wrestler, El Puddingero, Grabthug Da Slava, Nurgh'leth Kavash Vaar, Lord Putriidiuos the Foul, Warchief Spang Magakan, Felonious Festus, Shady Zeke the Hack, and numerous others I've forgotten...
Games Played: Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Necromunda, Mordhiem, Battle Fleet Gothic, Blood Bowl (just not much) Zombies!!!, DND (not much at all really), anything else which turns up...
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