The Siege of Fort Trollengerschpanken
Submitted by puddingwrestler on Sun, 13/04/2008 - 09:08.The Siege of Fort Trollengerschpanken;
A Drunken Dwarves VS. Avaricious Imperials battle report.
The armies:
Gunther's Gatecrashers.
General Gunther Striche (General of the Empire): 174 Points.
Hammer of Judgement, Holy relic, Plate armour, Shield.
Grand Master Ludwig Von Flasche (Knight grand master): 240 Points.
Sword of Power, Laurels of Victory.
Beards, Robes and Fangs
Submitted by scatterlaser on Wed, 09/04/2008 - 21:41.
A 10,000pt battle report featuring High Elves, Dwarves and an awful lot of Vampires...
On the principle that bigger equals better, a bunch of us decided to play a fairly substantial game for a change. The new Vampire Counts book had just been released, complete with incredibly expensive Vampire characters, so I was slightly amazed to find I could actually make a 5000pt army fairly easily (having over 2000pts just in Vampire Lords helped). The hugeness of it all attracted legions of bystanders, onlookers, hecklers and the like, some of whom handily came eqipped with cameras. Since we ended up with a ton of photos, I thought it'd be shame not to do something with them. Here follow my (probably incomplete and biased) recollections of a pretty big game between the noble alliance of High Elves (Greg) and Dwarves (Aaron) and the fiendish and black-hearted but impeccably-dressed Vampire Counts (Ben and Pete).
Club not running Easter weekend
Submitted by admin on Wed, 19/03/2008 - 08:51.The club's not running on the Easter weekend (22nd of March), as nearly everybody will be at the Conquest Warhammer Fantasy tournament. We'll be back the next weekend.
No more 2:00pm starts
Submitted by admin on Sun, 10/02/2008 - 17:30.The craft market isn't running at the Hampton Community Centre anymore, so we'll be starting at 12:00pm every Saturday now - no more starting at 2:00pm on the third Saturday of each month.
HCC closing over Christmas
Submitted by admin on Sun, 09/12/2007 - 12:07.The Hampton Community Center is closing over the Christmas-New Years break, so the club won't be running from the 15th of December (next Saturday). We start up again on the 19th of January.
Axemaster 2007 Results
Submitted by admin on Tue, 16/10/2007 - 20:45.Here are the results for Axemaster 2007. Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everybody who entered. We thought everything went pretty smoothly, and hopefully everybody had a good time.
Axemaster - Tales of a Destroyer
Submitted by Nick on Sun, 14/10/2007 - 21:46.Over the past 2 days I played at Axemaster, a tournament run by the Hampton Games Club in my home suburb of Hampton. I used my trusty Tomb Kings with a slightly different list than I normally run, one with less magic and a Destroyer of Eternities wielding Tomb King to bludgeon people over the head with.
Club not on 22nd September
Submitted by admin on Mon, 10/09/2007 - 16:35.The Hampton Community Centre is closing for a while over the school holidays, and so the club won't be held on the 22nd of September.
Axemaster 2007
Submitted by admin on Tue, 17/07/2007 - 21:43.The HGC is running Axemaster again this year on the 13th-14th of October.
- Warhammer Fantasy 7th edition rules
- 2250pt armies
- Six games over two days
- $30 entry
The venue is our usual haunt:
Hampton Community Center,
14 Willis St. Hampton, VIC
Updated 25 July: rules, scenarios, entry details, etc - read on for more
JD2 tournament report
Submitted by waargh ben on Mon, 16/07/2007 - 19:47.JudgementDay is a 750pt 40k tournament run out in Altona Meadows, this year myself, Jack, Garrat and Steve all represented Hampton club there.
Painting Marathon
I didnt realise JD2 was a week before I thought it was, so i had to paint prettymuch my whole army in a week. I did get this done, but most of it was the night before the tournament in a crazy paintingfest going untill 5am.
Pictures speak louder than words: