Modelling and Terrain
Duelling Paintbrushes II - Halberdiers Almost Done
Submitted by scatterlaser on Sun, 25/11/2012 - 21:50.The Halberdiers are nearly done. The blueish metal and gems are finished, and the skin is basecoated. Again, the bad flash photography doesn't exactly show the real colours, but you get the idea. Only the skin and green glow to finish now, and then the actual models will be done.
Duelling Paintbrushes II - Halberdiers Progress
Submitted by scatterlaser on Sun, 18/11/2012 - 16:44.The Houseguard Halberdiers are getting there, with the black, green, brown and dull metal done. The colours in these (bad) photos are exaggerated because of the flash, but you get the idea.
Duelling Paintbrushes II - Retribution of Scyrah
Submitted by scatterlaser on Mon, 05/11/2012 - 21:55.So, Duelling Paintbrushes is running again this year and I said I'd join in. I'm currently in a Warmachine phase (the game, not the things in Warhammer Fantasy that shoot stuff and blow up when Greg uses them), and so I enquired about painting some of that rather the 1000pt WHFB armies Greg, Owen and Drew are doing.
Bone Giant Conversion
Submitted by Nick on Mon, 02/10/2006 - 17:32.Firebirds - Eldar Commission Army
Submitted by waargh ben on Sun, 27/08/2006 - 12:41.You may or may not be aware, but im a commission army painter, so rather than the usual single-model commission jobs, i do whole armies(themeing, converting and/or painting).
Its a lot of fun(and it brings in some nice $$ for a bummy 17-yr-old like myself :D)
Anyway, i painted up 30 warpspiders around christmas for a guy's army.
How did you make that? Episode Three: The Blood River
Submitted by puddingwrestler on Thu, 13/07/2006 - 11:55.In the realm of chaos, everything is twisted and distorted, the very rocks and trees are weird agonized parodies of themselves. Here, the rivers can flow with any liquid – water, acid, vomit, melted cheese, or in this case, blood.The River of Blood
When I decided to make the Blood River, I knew only two things: I would try out foam core for the banks, and I would try out MDF for the 'ribs'. After a lot of doodling in sketch books and uni note books I worked out what the rest would be. I had to drop a few ideas (like the section of boiling blood) for reasons of space, but most of it came through.
Feral Orks Modelling Diary
Submitted by waargh ben on Tue, 27/06/2006 - 20:08.Exactly 3 days ago i got the crazy idea that will probably spell my doom. Armed with $100, a horde of bitz, and 5 days before armylist submission, i decided to make a 750 pt feral ork army for Judgement Day, a new 1-day tournament.
Now, i have a lot of 40k armies, 10 in fact, although 4 or so are sold. You would assume that i would surely have 750 pts of something. Well...i do, and i had every intention to bring my LaTD with a full complement of spawn, however after stumbling on the feral ork armylist, a massed swarm of 60 fearless bs3 orks with a massive sqiggoth was just too good to pass up for a 750 point tourny. But heres the catch, the armylists have to be submitted in oh say, 3 days. So i need to know if i will actually have all the models, and be able to paint them for the 15th of july, in about 2 1/2 weeks time. 60 models in 2 1/2 weeks? Ill bet i can!
How did you build that? Episode 2: Urban Ruins
Submitted by puddingwrestler on Wed, 07/06/2006 - 16:54.With the release of the new Cities of Death supplement, everyone is thinking about Urban terrain. Some poeple are thinking about buying GW's building kits. Some people are thinking about cheaper alternatives. Here's how HGC terrain nutter Owen (aka Pudding Wrestler) killed two birds with one stone.
The bit you actually want to read:
Ubran Ruins What we're doing here is making the old 40K gothic ruins look better as well as getting some awesome urban terrain out of it. The Gothic ruins came with the old version of 40K as well as many of the battle force boxes. You can also pick up a set from your local GW at a reasonable price, or they often turn up on Ebay.
How did you make it? Episode 1: Orc Huts
Submitted by puddingwrestler on Tue, 30/05/2006 - 16:51.HCG's Orc huts were created by terrain guru Owen (aka Pudding Wrestler) Here's how you can make your own at home.
First off, cut a rough octagon shape about 10cm across, and 4cm tall from polystyrene. If you don't have polystyrene, you could make the shape from cardboard, foamcore, wood, or even clay. This is the core of the hut.Orc huts Step 1
Now, you can add the support beams, poles and door frame. All of this is made from balsa wood, although you could use skewers or toothpicks instead if you don't have any. You need to put an upright at each corner, as well as making a door frame. You also need the poles which support the roof. These are just pieces of toothpick or skewer which radiate inwards from each upright into the center of the roof. Add one last upright in the middle of the roof where they all meet.